This is a great share page for Viv Affiliates to use when talking to customers about everything AutoPilot can do to lower monthly bills for essential services like cable, Internet, wireless and electricity. It includes everything they need to know about our bill negotiating services and monthly automatic switching platform for electricity, powered by Utiliz, and includes links to your personal website for enrollment focused on AutoPilot.
Recommended Elevator Pitch:
Did you know millions of Americans are overpaying $60 billion every year for basic services we all use like cable, Internet, wireless, satellite TV/radio and home security? I found this incredible service called AutoPilot. It’s so simple to use and you don’t pay a penny unless they save you money. You just upload your bill to see how much you can save and then they split the savings with you. Plus, AutoPilot can also manage finding the best energy rate in your market and manage your account by automatically monitoring the rates and switching your account onto the best plan. Like me, I know you’ll appreciate the savings!